Master of Business Administration (MBA)

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Considering the potential in terms of efficient management skill, social standing and financial recognition the university started offering MBA program in 2000. Whether one chooses to do a full-time MBA (typically designed for recent graduates) or an Executive MBA (fast-paced learning for seasoned managers), UAP’s MBA programs have just the right kind for a prospective candidate.

The programs are well-suited with the opportunities of accelerated and self-paced options. The UAP’s Business School, i.e. Department of Business Administration offers business study programs that enable its graduates to stand out from rest of the candidates in the job market since the programs instill a lot more than traditional bookish knowledge. In real life situations, employers ferret out the candidates who can do the tasks assigned at work; rather than candidates who thwart in the process.

UAP graduates have a tradition of being self-disciplined at work and possess the confidence and the ability to accomplish the task assigned at work just because, at UAP, the teaching style also has a lot to do with experiential learning that enables the students to be competent enough to combat the challenges posed at the real life work environment. The MBA at UAP offers not just a degree; but a lot more than that.

The UAP MBA inculcates a demonstration of abilities required for working in a team, of clear thinking, clever planning, and a steadfast resolve that is necessary in the business arena. These qualities are attained through the up-to-date curricula and extra-curricula activities, simulation trainings and experiential learning assignments. The courses are administered by experienced, well-informed and knowledgeable full-time and part-time faculty members who are adept in training the pupils to be groomed into competent business professionals that are required for the job market. There is a proper mix of professionals and academics in the UAP business school which is essential for the students in learning the skills of survival in the work environment. In addition, the school is supported by well-stocked library services, computer laboratory, cafeteria, and recreation facilities.

UAP’s business school is a stark contrast to a typical or a traditional commercial business school. In UAP, students have a lot more access to the instructors for any professional requirement and follow-up with the class lectures that is nearly absent in other business schools. The faculty members take special care to tailor-make their lectures and presentations according to the needs of the class. The cooperative attitude of the faculty members has led to a very congenial atmosphere of learning where students can approach the faculty members regarding their problems of understanding lectures, without any hesitation.

Seminars, events and workshops on total quality management, mock interview, career planning, business planning, cv writing, campaign planning, tvc script writing and visualization, drama presentation on management issues and organizational behavior, role playing, skit presentation, survey, case presentation, project work, group discussion, film shows, demonstration, hands-on practice, laboratory work, plant visit, organization attachment and study tour etc. that enable the business students’ accomplishments to speak for themselves. These relentless efforts in bringing out the best in you; distinguish you, as a business graduate from the rest of your competitors in the job market.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) of The University of Asia Pacific (UAP) is a full fledged and full time program of 60 credit hours spread over two years. However, depending upon the credit transfers, course waiver and exemption of internship attachment, the duration may be less than two years. A student may also enroll as a part time student in which case the duration will be longer than two years. The program is offered in the evening and so the in-service people, entrepreneurs and self-employed can also join for development of their career/ business prospects.


The specific objectives of the curriculum are to help the students:

  • acquire a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the professional managers in organizations and society;
  • develop the decision making skill;
  • acquire the ability to speak and write effectively and professionally;
  • develop skill in interpersonal relations;
  • achieve an increased awareness and understanding of the business world; and
  • attain the capability of acquiring further education and training.
The UAP MBA makes managers more effective, improves their career opportunities and enhances their personal development.


MBA Course Catalogue and Payment System

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